Tuesday, November 1, 2011

eatZi's Star Spotlight: Meet Manuel!

I got the chance to chat with another of our popular staff members, Manuel, to hear his story and talk about everything eatZi’s!

Where did you grow up?
The Southwest.

How long have you been living in Dallas?
I’ve been serving families in the Park Cities for 12 years.

How long have you worked at eatZi’s?
I’ve been with eatZi’s a little over a year and a half, but I’ve been working in the coffee and tea industry for more than 22 years.

What’s your eatZi’s item?
Anything from the pasta bar!

What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re not at work?
I live in a vintage apartment complex that was built in 1946, and I love decorating my home. I also love spending quality time with my two dogs (mini beagles), JP and JC. I’m currently training one of them to be a therapy dog for Scottish Rite hospital. I’m also a writer on the side, just like my mother. I have had several articles printed in magazines and papers around Dallas. One of the coolest things I did while not at work was when Julie Andrews came to town last year and I had the honor of serving her afternoon tea. 

If you could go any place in the world, where would it be and why?
After years of research, watching movie clips and seeing post cards, I would love to visit the country of Africa. Something about the majestic countryside really attracts me to Africa. 

If you could invite three people, living or dead, to a dinner party, who would it be and why?
I would invite Meryl Streep, Hillary Clinton and Maya Angelou, because I’d like to have an open discussion about ways to create awareness to raise money for public schools.

What’s your favorite thing about living in Texas?
It’s got to be Texans’ good old fashioned hospitality.

What’s the most fun thing that’s happened while on the job?
Recently, a bus full of touring college students came to eatZi’s, and I got to greet them at the door. I put together a great presentation and welcomed them in several different languages. They all said how much they loved eatZi’s, because they have nothing like it back home.

Talk to me about customer service.
Adapting to the market industry has been an exciting challenge. Coming from the hotel industry, I’ve found that servicing customers in a restaurant setting is like breaking in a new pair of shoes. I’m very passionate about customer service and making every visit a good experience for our customers. For instance, we recently added a caffeine free iced tea for expectant mothers. 

What’s your favorite part about working at eatZi’s?
I love being reunited with customers from my hotel days and getting to know them all over again. I am also passionate about the youth who visit eatZi’s and accommodating them. 

Biggest seller for kids?

Biggest Hit Overall?
“The Teaser:” a twist on the Arnold palmer with LOTS of crushed ice.